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Civilizaciones Antiguas/SS in Español 6 (Period 2) Assignments

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 Hi all!  We made it to the last week :)! Students did not have any homework over the weekend. I did give out a packet on Friday that I will be accepting for extra credit if it is done by tomorrow. I am attaching the packet here. Final grades should be ready by tomorrow. Have a great summer! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
Students turned in their interactive notebooks today and I will be checking their ancient China unit and Greece notes in the next couple of days and update their scores. 
I gave the students a permission slip today in class (with the exception of period 1-copier was down and I'm out of copies on the other two) to watch Gladiator the last week of school.
The movie is rated R due to its graphic content of violence and I need your permission to show the film in class. If a student is not able to watch the movie, they will be given an alternative work packet on Ancient Rome.
The purpose of viewing the film will be for the students to receive an overview of what Ancient rome was like. Rome was built on the idea that they would conquer countries, but they didn't want those people constantly revolting, and they needed their army to keep on the move. So they promised "Bread and Circuses". They promised all conquered people that bread would always be free and that were would be Roman style entertainment. The gladiator fights were a way to entertain people and keep them busy so they would not revolt. 
Permission slips are due next Thursday and Friday (June 1st and June 2nd). 
Here is a trailer of the movie: 
I hope the copier is working tomorrow so I can have enough slips for everyone. Period 1 will receive their slips with the substitute on Tuesday (I am taking my PB day). Students will be with actor's gang in the MPR room on Tuesday. Students are to report to the MPR (by the library), not class. 
Students were also given their practice map today so they can begin to study for their geography and spelling test next Thursday and Friday (June 1st and June 2nd). I am attaching here.
Sorry for the lengthy post!! Please reach out if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Ms. Madrid  



Hi All! 
Just a reminder that tomorrow (P1, P3 and P5)  and Friday (P2 and P6) students will have their spelling and geography quiz. I passed out their practice quiz last week on Thursday/Friday. 

Also permission slips to view "Gladiator" are due tomorrow/Friday. I want to also let parents know that I will be fast-forwarding certain scenes that we can do without (ex: gruesome violence). If I don't receive a slip back indicating whether or not your child can view the film, it will be considered that the child does not have permission. Please let me know if you have any questions. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi all, 
Students created Cornell notes today in their interactive notebook. They completed one section in class (pgs. 355- 359) and they are to finish section 2 (pgs. 361-365) at home. Students are to also respond to questions #2-5 for each section under the review section (pg. 359 and pg. 365). I am attaching images of what their notes should look like in their notebooks. Notes and notebook will be due on Thursday/Friday (May 25th and 26th). 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
Homework for tonight 5/22: to complete your A. Greece vocabulary (11 terms). Vocabulary must be colored. Due tomorrow (Tuesday 5/23) for periods 1,3 and 5. Due Wednesday 5/24 for periods 2 and 6. Students will also have a notebook check on Thursday 5/25 and Friday 5/26 of this week for their Ancient China unit. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
Today (5/17) in class we began to write a rough draft for their paragraph on Ancient Chinese philosophies. Their rough draft will be on page 7. They should complete a final draft after revising their rough draft. Some students who were able to complete their paragraph in class (not all), began revising their paragraph so they do not have to revise at home. Students are to revise their rough draft and complete their final draft by next class (Thursday 5/19 and Friday 5/20). Five extra credit points will be provided for those students who type and print their final draft. The DBQ packet along with their final draft will be due next class. I am attaching the ppt we have been working with along with the packet. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 
Revision Instructions: 

Yellow Highlighter- With a highlighter, Highlight the Thesis/Topic Sentence (1 sentence)

Blue Highlighter- With a blue highlighter/pen/colored pencil, Underline background information (2 sentences)

Green Highlighter-With a green highlighter/pen/colored pencil, Underline evidence (1 sentence)

Pink Highlighter- With a pink highlighter/pen/colored pencil, Underline your explanations of evidence (2 sentences)

Orange Highlighter- With an orange highlighter  pen/colored pencil, Underline your conclusion (1 sent. )




Hi All, 
Today we began to brainstorm in class. Students should finish their organizer on page 6 of their packets. I am attaching the packet in case anyone has misplaced it. It will be due tomorrow (Tuesday, 5/16). It will be due on Wednesday (5/17) for periods 2 and 6. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
Students do not have homework over the weekend but I am attaching videos that they can watch to learn more about the 3 ancient Chinese philosophies we will be learning about in class: 
Have a great weekend! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi all,
 Students do not have any homework for tonight. 
Thank you. 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
I hope this message finds you well! This week the students have been working on analyzing primary sources in regards to 3 ancient Chinese philosophies we researched and discussed in class. They are to have all 3 documents annotated by Monday. Students had the entire class period on Tues/Wed and Thu/Fri to complete the documents. If they did not complete their annotations and analysis in class, they have the weekend to complete it. The questions should be completed for each document as well. 
I am attaching the ppt and DBQ packet. 



Hi All! 
Students do not have any homework for tonight. Thursday (5/4) and Friday(5/5) will be the last day for students to turn in their signed Unit exam for India. I returned exams last week on Thursday and Friday and I told students they would have a week to review with their parents and have it signed. 
I am attaching descriptions of the Han and Qin dynasty for the Venn Diagram activity we completed in class today. If a student did not complete their Venn Diagram, they should do so before next class (5/4, 5/5). We will review the Venn Diagram at the beginning of class. I am not attaching a blank copy of the Venn Diagram because we drew it in our notebooks. They should have 6 points for the Qin Dynasty, 7 for the Han and 4 that fall under both. 
I am also attaching the dynasties chart we began in class on Thursday/Friday of last week and students completed for homework over the weekend. There were a couple of students who lost their copies, so I am attaching the chart here. 
Here is the video link for the Qin and Han Dynasties: 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
Today (4/24) in class we completed their geography map on Ancient China. Students will have a geography map quiz next Monday 5/1.
Students do not have homework for today other than to study for their spelling test on Thursday/Friday and complete their vocabulary by then.
I am attaching the completed map to this post so students can utilize to check if they missed anything in class. I am also attaching a blank map in case anyone misplaced it. 



Hi all, 

Most students have finished taking their unit exam on India. I am just waiting on some absent students to come by and complete it. I will hand back exams on Monday of next week. Today we began China and students will have a vocabulary assignment to complete by next Thursday/Friday (4/27 and 4/28). Some of the terms are not in the textbook so I will be uploading a powerpoint for the students tomorrow. Students may also look online for the terms. The students will have a spelling test on the terms next Thursday/Friday. 
Only homework that will be due on Monday (4/24): Turn in their interactive notebook. I am attaching the rubric to this post as well. Thank you!
Ms. Madrid 



Hi all, 
I am attaching the vocabulary powerpoint for your terms (Vocabulary due Thursday/Friday 4/27 and 4/28). Please make sure to bring your interactive notebook on Monday (4/24) as it is due and will be graded. 
Thank you! 
Have a great weekend. 



Hi all: 
Just a reminder that Thursday and Friday students will have a spelling test on the following terms: 
1. ancestor worship  / adoración de los ancestros 
2. economy    / economía
3. Mandate of Heaven / Mandato del Cielo 
4. feudalism /   feudalismo 
5. civil servant  /  funcionario público 
6. standardize / estandarizar 
7. bureaucracy / burocracia 
8. compass   /   brújula 
9. Silk Roads /  Rutas de Seda/Carreteras de Seda  
10. caravan / caravana 
Please make sure that they study. 
Also, in class we watched an overview video to introduce the Dynasties of Ancient China: 
Here is the link in case anyone missed anything:



Hi all,

I am attaching the powerpoint we reviewed today. Along with the venn diagram we reviewed on Hinduism and Buddhism on Monday. Please make sure you study over the weekend. We will review on Monday for your unit exam.

Thank you!
Ms. Madrid



Hi All! 
I hope you all had a great weekend. Congrats to the class winners today from Kahoot's game. I am attaching the Kahoot links to help you practice for your unit exam tomorrow and Wednesday. I am also attaching the study guide for anyone who missed it on the previous post. Those who had very low scores on Kahoot, I stamped them for PAWS tomorrow to come by and review. 
Thank yoU! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hello All! 
Today students received a reading on the Maurya Empire along with some worksheets to fill out. They are due on Thursday/ Friday (for p2 and p6). We will be reviewing the material on Thursday. I will also be posting the study guide on here for their unit exam that will take place next week. We will do a kahoot review day on Monday the 17th and we will have the exam on Tuesday and Wednesday. We will finish the content this week and continue with the Unit exam next week. If there were any students who were absent yesterday, they must make up the geography quiz before Thursday (Wednesday before school, lunch time, after-school or Thursday before school) because I will need to return them so students have material to study. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All! 
Welcome back! Students do not have any homework for tonight (4/10) but they will have to bring in their interactive notebooks to class so we can update the table of contents. 
Thank you!
Ms. Madrid 



Hi all!! 
We made it to the last week! Today in class, we finished the week watching a documentary on Buddha. Students should finish watching the 2-hour documentary (we viewed half of it in class), for homework over break. Also, I asked the students to study for their geography quiz that will occur when we return from break. I am attaching a practice quiz (the quiz will be exactly the same!) that I gave them in class today. They should practice with these blank maps so they can be prepared. 
Here is the UPDATED link (I heard the previous link was terminated)  for the documentary:
Please reach out if you have any questions. 

Thank you! and have a great break!! 



Hi All, 
Some students have been asking me to post the map we completed in class to study for their geography quiz when we return so I am attaching it here. Have a great break! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
Students did not have any homework for tonight unless they did not complete their assignment in class. If you did not complete your online assignment, please make sure you complete it before tomorrow. Also, if you were absent and missed our notes on hinduism, I am attaching them. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi all, 
We began talking about Hinduism today (3/16) in P1, 3 and 5. We will do the same tomorrow (3/17) for P2 and P6. Students should complete their reading annotations and reading notes by next Tuesday (3/21). The last page (Processing/Processar) will be extra credit. Also, on Monday we will be creating a pictorial assignment about Hinduism so please bring in your colored pencils, markers, colored pens, etc. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi Periods 1, 2 and 5. 
I am attaching your reading notes and reading that we began working on last week on Thursday/Friday (3/16, 3/17). The reading notes packet will be due tomorrow (3/21) for periods 1 and 5. It will be due on Wednesday for period 2. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
Attached are the video notes and the video we began watching in class today. Please continue to watch the video at home and turn in your notes on Thursday. I will be around tomorrow after-school if watching the video at home is not a possibility, you can view it here with me.  Here is the link:
Also, thank you so much for the parents who sent in highlighters! I will begin a check out process to make sure our classroom supplies are returned. :) 
Due to a negative interaction in class with a substitute, I want to make sure that you communicate with your student that there are no cell phones allowed in class. If a cellphone rings or I see a student on their cell phone, it will be confiscated and given to the office. 
Please make sure you speak to your student about the importance of respecting adults regardless of my absence. I work hard to make sure my classroom is a safe space for us all and I would like to maintain this kind of environment even when I'm not present due to trainings. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi all! 
Homework update: 
P1, 3 and 5 will have their spelling test on Thursday. There will be extra credit questions on there based on their geography and Mohenjodaro reading. P2 and P6 will  have their spelling test on Friday. I am attaching the vocabulary terms. I had originally scheduled it for Monday but moved it to Thursday and Friday due to my absence last week. 
1. subcontinent    //    subcontinente
2. Hindu Kush     
3. Himalayas 
4. monsoon     //    monzón
5. Harappan civilization // civilización harappa
6. planned city // ciudad planificada 
7. Aryan   //   ario 
8. caste  //  casta
9. Brahmanism   //  brahmanismo 
10. reincarnation   //  reencarnación
11. karma
Please reach out if you have any questions. I hope to see you tomorrow night (Wednesday) for Open House! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi all, 
Just want to remind you that your reading notes packet is due on Monday. As soon as you enter class it should be placed in your period bin. Make sure you have enough notes and all the questions completed. Your reading should be annotated as well. The reading and notes packet was uploaded in the previous post. 
Have a great weekend! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi all, 
Students do not have homework for today. I just need the students to return to class tomorrow and Friday with their reading and note packet so they can complete it in class. I am attaching it in case anyone has misplaced it. Tomorrow periods 1, 3 and 5 will also be going to the library to speak to their counselors about their course selection for their classes so if anyone has not turned in their form, they should it bring it in tomorrow. Periods 1,3 and 5 will also be having a substitute tomorrow because I will be at a social science conference for the day. If anyone misbehaves with the substitute, they will have lunch/after-school detention with me next week and I will be calling home for them as well. If the class earns a low grade for overall behavior, half of the classroom points will be deducted as well. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Please make sure to bring your schedule forms for your counselors if you have not turned them in yet. I just received confirmation that you may still turn them in. Most of you  have turned in the forms. Here is the breakdown: 
Period 1: 27/35, still waiting on 8 students 
Period 2: 27/32, still waiting on 5 students 
Period 3: 30/37 still waiting on 7 students 
Period 5: 29/35, still waiting on 6 students
Period 6: 27/29, still waiting on 2 students 
There is no homework for today. Will be collecting notebooks tomorrow (3/7) for periods 1, 3 and 5. 
Thank you, 

Ms. Madrid 



Hi all, 
Here are upcoming deadlines for students: 
Due Monday: Students received a presentation from the counselors this week about picking their elective classes for next year (7th grade). They are supposed to return a green form back to me and a yellow form if they are signing up for 0 period. Here are the updates for the amount of students who have turned in the form: 
P1: 5/35 students have turned in the form, still waiting for 30 forms 
P2: 10/32 students have turned in the form, still waiting for 22 forms 
P3: 14/37 students have turned in the form, still waiting for 23 forms 
P5: 8/35 students have turned in the form, still waiting for 27 forms
P6: 17/29 students have turned in the form, still waiting for 12 forms  
Due Monday: On Monday 3/6, we will be reviewing the geography of India playing four corners. I asked students to complete their reading and handout describing the different geographical features of India. Please have students read the text and have their handout complete. Best practices for reading include annotating the text. I will be rewarding students with panther points for those who answer correctly during the game. 
Also, if you see your student using one of these highlighters, please have them return it back to me if they accidentally took it home. I started off with 32 highlighters of 5 different colors (yellow, green, blue, pink and orange) and I am now down to the following: 
Yellow highlighters: 8/32
Green highlighters: 17/32 
Blue highlighters: 16/32 
Orange highlighters: 20/32 
Pink highlighters: 18/32 
I am given a small budget at the beginning of the school year for supplies from the school and I would like to keep having supplies for my students in class. I will not be able to supply all students in all my periods if my supplies keeps disappearing. Please make sure to speak to your student about coming to class with supplies and returning items that do not belong to them. Thank you! 
If you have any questions, please email me. 
Ms. Madrid 



Today (Tuesday 2/28), we began our new unit on India. Students had class time to organize their interactive notebooks and also staple/glue in material for Egypt and India. Their homework will be to work on their vocabulary that will be due on Thursday/Friday. I am attaching the pages on here. Please make sure they bring their supplies on Thursday/Friday as we will be creating a map of Ancient India using a lot of color (colored pens/colored pencils). 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
I am attaching a powerpoint I reviewed with students today to re-cap everything we have learned about Ancient Egypt thus far. They have a follow-up assignment to close the unit. They are to create a comic strip or story board describing what they learned about Ancient Egypt. I am attaching the assignment as well. It will be due on Monday 2/27. 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
Today I assigned a timeline project for the students about Ancient Hebrews. In our Ancient Egypt unit, we also discuss Ancient Hebrews and students will learn through this activity about the history of Ancient Hebrews.  They are to pick 5 of the events listed on the task assignment page (I have attached it). They are to make sure they list the event name, date, give a 3-5 sentence summary about the event and also a colored illustration (they may print the images as well). The students will have class time on Tuesday to work on it but it will be due Thursday, the 23rd. I have also attached a website link to help them with their research. They may use all the resources on the website but may look outside of the website for research. On the website, under "Reading", it has a chapter reading that outlines all the events. 
I will be attaching samples of timelines as well for students to use as a reference of what a timeline should look like. 
thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
Just a reminder that students timelines are due on Thursday/Friday of this week. Students who were absent last week on Thursday/Friday have till Monday the 27th to turn it in. Students who will be on the overnight field trip may turn it in on Tuesday/Wednesday of next week (Feb 28th and 29th). 
Just some reminders about the timeline as you work on it: 
1. 5 events from the timeline provided must be chosen and researched in depth. Provide a 3-5 sentence paragraph per event. Make sure to label the even on your timeline with a title and date. 
2. Each event illustration must be printed in color or colored in (if drawn by hand or printed black and white) 
3. You may do more than 5 events for extra credit. 1 extra credit point per event (same format- paragraph, title, illustration and date). 10 events max. 
4. Please refer to the readings found on the website provided for information to use on your timelines. 
5. All events must be in chronological order 
6. You must use 5 vocabulary terms/individuals/groups of people throughout your timeline. Make sure to underline the terms you use or highlight them on your timeline. 
If you have any questions, please email me! 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi all, 
here is the YouTube video link like promised: 
Please make sure you complete your video summary including key vocabulary terms mentioned in the video by Monday. Key terms such as "the Nile river" "pharaohs" "mummies" "pyramids". Summary must be at least 5 complete sentences. 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
Students do not have any homework tonight (Monday, 2/6). For those of you who have not presented, I would suggest you practice presenting at home so that you are ready to present tomorrow (Tuesday). 
Thank you! 

Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
Just a reminder that today will be the last day to do any edits on your presentations. Today in class we spent some time revising presentations, make sure you do any edits that were suggested to you! Deadline to edit will be tonight (1/30) at midnight! We will begin presenting on Wednesday. 



Hi All, 
Students were given a deadline today (1/18) for their Ancient Egypt projects. Students have chosen their topics already and will be given class time (entire periods) to complete the research and create their powerpoints. I am attaching the project overview and rubric here. 
If a student did not complete their spelling test, please have them come by during PAWS tomorrow to complete it or after-school. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi all,
Students do not have homework for the weekend. Have a great 3 day weekend. 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All! 
I am attaching the video link for those of you who would like to re-watch it at home and complete the video handout from class today (1/10). You will be turning in this handout on Thursday/Friday. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
Tomorrow and Wednesday students will have a spelling test. Please make sure they study. I will also be collecting their interactive notebooks. Please make sure that the students have them complete. 
Some students did not earn full credit on their vocabulary because it was incomplete. If they would like to earn credit, please have them show up after-school Tuesday or Wednesday and show me their work. I will not have time in class to re-check their work so they have to drop by after-school. 
I am attaching a video we watched in class today, students worked on a worksheet to go with it. Some might need to re-watch it again to fill out all the answers. I will be collecting it tomorrow/Wednesday after we discuss it. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 
Here is the link, in case you can't view the attachment: 



Hi All! Welcome back... HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you all had a restful break and are ready to end our 6th grade year strong! Today in class, I reviewed the Mesopotamia Unit Exam with students and I collected their test again. I will be passing back their exams on Thursday. A parent signature will be required for their exam by Monday. In class today, we began to look at the vocabulary terms for Ancient Egypt. We were able to set up their notebooks with their vocabulary. Vocabulary will be due on Monday (the 9th) as well. I am attaching the words as well. 
1. cataract/catarata 
2. delta 
3. silt/limo 
4. fertile/fértil 
5. linen/lino 
6. scribe/escriba 
7. hieroglyph/ jeroglífico 
8. papyrus/ papiro 
9. afterlife/ más allá 
10. embalm. embalsamar 
11. mummy/momia 
Thank you! 



Hi All, 
Just a reminder of important upcoming dates:
VOCAB, Due Monday 1/9: I will be checking students vocabulary on Monday
PARENT SIGNATURE, Due Monday 1/9: I will be checking for a parent signature on their latest unit exam. Please sit down and review their exams to see how they can improve for the next unit exam.
NOTEBOOK CHECK, Due Tuesday 1/10 or Wednesday 1/11: I will also be collecting their notebooks on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week to check for their Mesopotamia Unit.
SPELLING TEST, on Tuesday 1/10 or Wednesday 1/11: Please make sure students are studying their vocabulary words for Egypt (11 terms). Capitalization and accents (for Spanish Immersion only) will count. It will only be a spelling test. I will not be testing for knowledge of vocabulary just yet. 
Please reach out if you have any questions. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
Today I announced to the students that their Mesopotamia unit exam will take place next Thursday and Friday. If a student will be absent during those days, please set up an a date and time before school or after-school
to make up the exam. 
Please make sure students begin to study their notes in their notebook.
Ms. Madrid



Hi All, 
I am attaching a video we viewed in class that might be helpful for students along with the Spanish guide in Spanish. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
I am attaching the practice exam. I will be reviewing the practice exam in PAWS next Tuesday and Thursday for students who have any questions. I am also available after-school. 
Thank you! Have a great a weekend! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All. 
I just want to go ahead and attach the Kahoot links for students to study. 
Also, please remind students to meet me in the MPR tomorrow (Tuesday) and Wednesday for Actor's Gang.   
Thank you 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi all,
In class, we began to talk about the last topic before we begin to review for the unit exam. Students were assigned a reading a long with a table of Mesopotamian Empires. Students are to have the reading completed (does not need to be annotated) along with the chart filled out by Thu/Fri. I modeled for the students how to fill it out and I told them to highlight the things they are looking for in the chart but annotations on the side are not required. We will be reviewing the chart with a powerpoint on Thursday/Friday. 
I am attaching the reading, handout and study guide. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All,
Students are to read and annotate Ch. 5 for homework and complete two handouts that were handed in class that go with the reading (7 elements of a civilization). They are to define each element using the reading, provide an illustration of the element in Sumer along with a description and provide an illustration of the element in modern day US society along with a description. The assignment will be due on Monday and reviewed in class as well. 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
I hope you all had a restful Thanksgiving break. Today (11/28), I collected the students signed exam. Exams were returned on Wednesday 11/16 so they had over a week to return the sign exam. For homework, I have asked students to study their vocabulary terms in their notebooks for Unit 3. They will have a spelling and vocabulary quiz on Thursday/Friday of this week (Dec. 1st and Dec. 2nd). Thank you! 
I am listing the words below: 
1. Mesopotamia (Spanish: Mesopotamia) 
2. Floodplain (Spanish: Llanura de Inundación)
3. Silt (Spanish: Limo)
4. Semiarid (Spanish: Semiárido)
5. Drought (Spanish: Sequía
6. Surplus (Spanish: Excedente)
7. Civilization (Spanish: Civilización)
8. Sumer (Spanish: Sumeria)
9. City-State (Spanish: Ciudad-Estado)
10. Ziggurat (Spanish: Zigurat)
11. Polytheism (Spanish: Politeísmo)
12. King (Spanish: Rey)
13. Bronze (Spanish: Bronce)
14. Pictograph (Spanish: Pictografía)
15. Stylus (Spanish: Estilo)
16. Cuneiform (Spanish: Cuneiforme)
17. Scribe (Spanish: Escriba)



Hi All, 
Just a reminder that students will have a spelling and vocabulary quiz tomorrow/Friday. Accents do count for my Spanish Immersion students so please make sure they are studying thoroughly. 
Also, their 6-10 sentence paragraph on the evolution of writing will be due tomorrow. Students have their notes and the handout with them. I am attaching the assignment in case students have misplaced theirs. 
Thank you. 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
Today (Wednesday, the 16th) students received their graded Unit 2 exams today. I am requiring a parent signature on the exam. It will be due Monday, Nov. 28th.  Please sit down with the students and look at their Unit Exams along with the study guide and practice test I provided. I am asking that the students bring back their exam tomorrow and Friday (November 17/18) for class because we will be reviewing their exam in class. 
Thank you! 



Hi All, 
Students learned about the geography of Mesopotamia today in class (Monday). For homework, they have some follow up questions to complete with their reading. These questions will be due on Thursday/Friday. 
I am attaching the assignments to this post. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
I have a couple of updates. 

I want to thank you for being patient with me as I was away this past week. I am responding to all your emails at my earliest convenience. 
1st Update= Unit Exams are being graded, I will let you know once they are all completed. I still have some students who were absent last week and have not finished or began taking the exam, please send them over for PAWS tomorrow. It will be the last day to complete their exam.  
2nd Update= Rubrics were handed out for their second notebook check and glued into the students interactive notebook today in class. I will be checking notebooks next Monday. I asked students to make sure that they take this week to check that they have everything in order. 
3rd update= students were assigned their new vocabulary for this unit. Vocabulary words can be found on pg. 83, 89 and 99 on the top right hand corner. I am listed them below and in the correct order in case some students did not get it down: 
1. Mesopotamia (Spanish: Mesopotamia) 
2. Floodplain (Spanish: Llanura de Inundación)
3. Silt (Spanish: Limo)
4. Semiarid (Spanish: Semiárido)
5. Drought (Spanish: Sequía
6. Surplus (Spanish: Excedente)
7. Civilization (Spanish: Civilización)
8. Sumer (Spanish: Sumeria)
9. City-State (Spanish: Ciudad-Estado)
10. Ziggurat (Spanish: Zigurat)
11. Polytheism (Spanish: Politeísmo)
12. King (Spanish: Rey)
13. Bronze (Spanish: Bronce)
14. Pictograph (Spanish: Pictografía)
15. Stylus (Spanish: Estilo)
16. Cuneiform (Spanish: Cuneiforme)
17. Scribe (Spanish: Escriba)
Students are expected to do their vocabulary in their interactive notebooks (pages 55-58). They will have to look up the definition in the glossary, draw a drawing illustrating the word and color it and write out a sentence using the word (highlight the term). My Spanish students will have to also list the word in English. It will be due on MONDAY. 
Please reach out if you have any questions. 



I forgot to mention that students will have theirs second Unit exam on November 1st and 2nd. A study guide will be handed this upcoming week! 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
A study guide was distributed today in class to students. I also distributed exit slips today (10/25). Keep in mind that exit slips do not count against a students grade as it is weighed at 0%. They are meant to help me understand who is understanding the concepts and who needs extra support during PAWS or after-school. 
I am also attaching the classwork that students worked on in class today. Some students completed more than others. I asked students to finish whatever they did not complete in class for homework. 
For Thursday/Friday (10/27, 28), have students bring all of their handouts that have not been added to their notebook, their interactive notebook and supplies because we will be glueing all the pages and exit slips we have not added on there. Students should use their notebooks to study with for the weekend. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
Here are the kahoot games for the students to practice at home. 
Thank you! 
Spanish: Check out this kahoot called 'La Prehistoria y el Hombre Primitivo '.

Here's the link:
English: Check out this kahoot called 'Early Man Review'.

Here's the link:



Hi All,
 I passed out a practice exam today in class (10/27) for students to study with over the weekend for their upcoming Unit Test. It is not required but it is highly recommended so the students could be prepared. I am also attaching the activity they worked in today if they want to continue reviewing their notes. I will upload a ppt with the information tomorrow so that they can review the information. 
Thank you! 



I apologize for the late posts but I am attaching some powerpoints that might be helpful for the students to study for their exam on Tuesday & Wednesday. 



Hi All, 
Period 2 did not follow instructions yesterday with the substitute so they have homework to complete at home. I walked into class during the last 10 minutes of class as I stepped out of my meeting and they were supposed to be working on their exit slip and they were not. Students were out of their seat when I arrived and my materials were on the floor. Please make sure you speak to your student about behaving well even with a substitute teacher. Students must complete their comic book on the different aspects of the Neolithic Era. They were given the entire period yesterday to work on it. 
Thank you, 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
For Tuesday students should have their reading that was handed out on Thursday/Friday completed. Here are their instructions: 
1. Read the text. 
2. Circle any word or phrase you do not understand
3. Look up the words/phrases you do not understand and write down the definition/meaning on the text 
4. Highlight the main idea in each paragraph (highlight 3 facts that describe the main idea) 
5. Try not to highlight complete sentences 
If students have extra time and want to engage more with the text they should follow the following steps: 
6. Talk with the text, in the margins students should: make comments about what they are reading, predictions, questions, and connections to self, another text and the world.  
 Here are some videos that might be helpful for the students to understand the material: 



Just a reminder that students must have their reading annotated for tomorrow or Wednesday (P2 and P6). 
Also something I am noticing: 
Students are coming to class with no supplies or their interactive notebooks. While I do have a class set of pencils, it is slowly diminishing. I began the school year with about 60 pencils and I am down to about 20. If a student borrows any supplies from me, please remind them to return the supplies to me. My supplies in my classroom comes from a budget that I am given at the beginning of the school year  (which is not a lot), from parent donations (thank you so much!! We are working with your glue sticks and scissors at the moment) and my own pocket. Please remind students to return supplies and to take care of our supplies. I will begin writing down the names of students who consistently show up to class with no pencils and will be calling parents to remind them to check in with the student. Also students who are not using the supplies appropriately will be given a phone call home and asked to bring in their own supplies. 
Thank you! 



Hi All, 
Students have 2 homework assignments for the weekend. Students were given vocabulary sheets to complete over the weekend along with a chapter of reading. The vocabulary is due on Monday while the reading is due on Tuesday/Wednesday.  Students are to read, circle words they don't understand, define them and highlight the main ideas/details (avoiding highlighting full sentences). 
Thank you! 



Students will have to turn in their vocabulary on Monday. 
Images- MUST be in color 
Sentences- MUST have the vocabulary word highlighted 
I am attaching the assignment on here. 



Hi All, 
In class, students were distributed a reading that they need to complete. They are to do the following steps: 
1. Closely read the document
2. Circle any unknown vocabulary words.
3. Highlight main ideas or key points of evidence
4. Side annotations on the margins (connections, comments, questions)
Reading should be completed by Monday's class. 
Have a great weekend. 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
Just a reminder that students should have their vocabulary completed by tomorrow/Wednesday. Students were also asked to get a parent signature on their Unit Exam that was passed out today (Monday, Oct. 10th). I will be accepting parent signatures up to Thursday/Friday. Students did corrections on their exam in class today as we reviewed it. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi all,

Yesterday and today (Oct. 7th), I told the students that they had a couple of homework assignments to complete:

1. As a school, we are participating in the student mock election and I have asked the students to research the candidates if they are planning on voting on Monday so they can make an informed decision. They do not have to take notes and bring it into class.

Here are the Candidates:

For President and Vice-President: 
Jill Stein, VP: Ajamu Baraka
Hillary Clinton, VP: Tim Kaine
Gloria Estela La Riva, VP: Dennis J. Banks
Donald J Trump, VP: Michael R. Pence
Gary Johnson, VP: Bill Weld

US Senator:
Loretta L. Sanchez
Kamala D. Harris

2. Finish annotating their article that was distributed in class and also read in class. Students are to continue highlighting the main idea/details/date of each paragraph. Do not highlight everything, highlight the important details stated.

3. Complete questions 1-8 that go with the reading.

4. Vocabulary for Spanish Immersion Students ONLY: Students are to circle 10 words that they do not know recognize and/or know the meaning of and define them. They will have to first pick a word and write it down, second- look up what the word is in English, third- write down the definition in Spanish, fourth-provide an illustration that best helps the student remember the word, fifth- write a complete sentence using the word. Vocabulary will be due on Tuesday/Wednesday, so students have an extra day to work on it. All students must have 10 words selected. 

Here are some websites to help the students with their vocabulary assignment:



Hi All, 
Students took their unit exam today in class. Students were asked to write down on their time trackers that I will be collecting their Interactive notebook on Thursday/Friday. I will be checking that students have assignments listed on their table of contents and in order. Pages should be numbered and each page should be completed. 
Thank you! 



Just a reminder that if you were absent today, you should drop by tomorrow during PAWS to complete your Unit 1 exam. You may also drop by tomorrow after-school. Tomorrow's PAWS session will be dedicated to make-up exams. Thursday, it will be a study hall session on reviewing Tuesday's material but with a substitute. Spanish Immersion teachers will be in a meeting Thursday from PAWS time till after-school. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All! 
Homework for the weekend: begin to study!
I just want you to let you know that for the weekend I would like students to begin studying their interactive notebook for their unit exam on geography on Monday, October 3rd. Most students did well on their Map of the World Quiz (class averages ranged from 81-91%). Those students who did not do well, I would suggest to begin studying the world map, doing flashcards for their vocabulary, begin studying the N.E.R.D. strategy on how to analyze maps, and the 5 themes of geography. On Tuesday/Wednesday we will cover the overview of the 4 River Valley Civilizations and that will be the last piece that needs to be taught before their unit exam. Next Thursday/Friday we will review in class before the exam. I will also hold a review session next Thursday after-school right before the exam. Students will be given a study guide on Monday. They are to complete in class with the substitute (I will be out of the classroom but will be on campus, I've already told my students). 
I will be uploading powerpoints of the week tomorrow and you can all access them then. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All, 
I apologize for the late post. Yesterday, the study guide was distributed for the students unit exam next week. I would like students to complete this study guide and take it as a practice test. Thursday and Friday we will be reviewing in class all the content covered on the study guide. Please make sure the student has completed the study guide and is studying at home! If a student has been absent recently, please make sure they are checking in with me before school or after school. The lights will be off in my classroom but that is due to the heat, ask students to knock, I will be in my class. 
Thank you! 



Hi All, 
Just a friendly reminder that students should be studying for the Unit Exam on Monday. I am attaching the vocabulary powerpoint. Students should be able to understand the key terms on the powerpoint. I will also be attaching the vocabulary assignment that was already stamped for credit. I am also attaching a short video to better understand primary vs. secondary sources. I will be posting the Kahoot game tomorrow after all my classes have played. 

Thank you, 
Ms. Madrid 



Good Morning, 
I hope this message finds you well. 

I am attaching the Kahoot links below:
For those students who will be absent on Monday, my PAWS session on Tuesday will be exclusively for Make-up exams for those who missed on Monday. You may also email me to set up a different appointment time if that does not work. Everyone must have their test completed by Wednesday. 
Thank you and have a great weekend, 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All,
Absent students today: If a student was absent today in class, please have them drop by after-school tomorrow (Tuesday 9/20) to make up their quiz. They may also drop by before school or during lunch.  I already have some students who checked in with me last week about being absent today and scheduled appointments for make-ups tomorrow after-school.  
Homework due Thursday/Friday: Students must have their vocabulary completed and colored by Thursday/Friday. Vocabulary should be on pg. 9-12 of their notebooks. Students will earn a stamp if their work is completed by Thursday/Friday. We will continue to review the terms in class this week. 
Classroom Supplies: A huge thank you for those of you who have sent in supplies with your students! I really appreciate the glue sticks, scissors, dry erase markers, etc. because we are using an interactive notebook this year and that requires a lot of supplies! Often at times, we run out of supplies and/or supplies are forgotten to be returned! So thank you! I have started a wish list in case you would like to contribute. Please keep in mind that I am keeping track of supplies donated and will be writing thank you notes to you all for the help! 

Wishlist attached!
Thank you! 



Hi All, 

A huge thank you for coming out for Back to School Night! It was so great to see so many of you sitting in my classroom. I appreciate all the support in the classroom! 
Today in class I returned students their World Map that they turned in this past Monday. I appreciate the effort that most students demonstrated on their maps! Some students lost points for not labeling all of the required items listed in the instructions. I was looking for 8 items: 7 continents, 5 oceans, Equator, Prime Meridian, 4 Hemispheres, Compass Rose, Colored Map drawn by student and a labeled Map. Each item was worth 1 point and then I multiplied the points by 2 to make it out of 16 points. 
If students did not turn in a map or did not complete their homework assignment correctly, their next opportunity to help their grade will be this upcoming Monday. Students will have a quiz on Monday.  I would like the students to study all of the 6 items that they drew and labeled on their maps for an upcoming quiz on the World Map on Monday: 
  • 7 continents
  • 5 oceans
  • Equator
  • Prime Meridian 
  • 4 Hemispheres
  • Compass Rose 
Students should be able to locate all the items on a map and be able to spell the names of the items above correctly. A point will be given for correct capitalization and spelling! Please have students refer to their notes on Continents and Oceans on pg. 3 of their interactive notebook. I am listing some helpful game links to help the students study! 
Please reach out if you have any questions! Thank you! 



Hi All! 
Please remember to bring your composition books to class tomorrow (P1, P3 and P5) and Wednesday (P2 and P5). We will be using them to organize your handouts. If you have not bought a composition book, please see me before class or after-school. If you still need to bring in a composition book because I gave you one last week, please bring that in. 
Thank you!
Ms. Madrid 


Hi All, 
Homework for tonight and this weekend: 
1. Students are to complete a world map. It is due on Monday. They are to draw (they may trace from book or print out if having a difficult time drawing) and label all of the following items: 
  • 7 continents/continentes
  • 5 oceans/océanos
  • Equator/Ecuador 
  • Prime Meridian/Primer Meridiano 
  • 4 hemispheres/hemisferios 
  • Compass Rose/ Rosa de los Vientos 
2. If student has not finished setting up their composition book (glueing certain pages), they should complete that. If student was absent or confused about what to do, have student see me after-school tomorrow (Friday). I will be here to lead a catch-up session for those students who were absent and need to set up their composition books. Students who were not absent but did not bring in their composition book should attend. First 8 pages should be a Table of Contents for their 8 units. The 9th page should be their Unit 1 Cover page with the back page having a KWL/QQQ chart. The 10th page should be their notes on continents and oceans that we completed in class today (tomorrow for P2 and P6). 
3. Color their cover page for Unit 1 (must be due before we finish the Unit)  
I am attaching some resources/examples that will help students understand the assignment. My Spanish immersion students should be completing their maps in Spanish. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hello Periods 1-6, 
I am attaching the placemats that I created for our class to use for our Map activity. You may print and use for our assignment. Please remember that you will have a sub on Monday but you will still be required to turn in your maps. Late work will not be accepted (with the exception of illnesses and special circumstances). 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I just want to remind the students to please bring in their supplies tomorrow/Wednesday. We will be setting up our interactive notebooks in class! Students must bring in their composition books, glue sticks and scissors (if they have any). There will always be a class set of glue sticks and scissors for those who do not have their own. If the student is unable to bring in a composition book by Tuesday/Wednesday, please reach out to me via email at [email protected]. I will be seeing periods 1,3,5 on Tuesday and periods 2,4, and 6 on Wednesday.

Thank you! 



Hello Period 2 and Period 6 students! 
I just want to remind you that your letter is due Wednesday at the beginning of class. If you misplaced your paper, you may use another separate piece of paper to write your letter. The letter should include a header or title, greeting, 2 paragraphs and a closing. Remember, it is a letter to yourself. You will be opening this letter at the end of the school year in June. You are writing two paragraphs to future you, about what you should do in Ms. Madrid's class to be successful (paragraph 1) and your future goals (paragraph 2). I am attaching a sample. 
  • Here is your prompt: Write a letter to yourself describing your best learning environment, your learning and behavioral goals for the year, and your future goals.
  • P1: Best learning environment in this class: How should you behave?? What rules should you follow? How will you make this a great learning environment for you and the whole class? 
  • P2: What are your class goals? What do you want to earn in this class? Any goals outside of the classroom?
Don't forget to write your name and period on your envelope before you turn it in! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hi All!
I would like to let you know that I will be using remind for my classes. I am going to be attaching all the links/access codes directly to each class so that students can join. Remind is a safe and easy way for students and teachers to communicate. I am attaching an informational video about Remind. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to me! Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Hello Period 2!

I just want to remind you to bring your supplies tomorrow and also join Remind if you are able to. I am attaching the number you are supposed to text and the message you enter to receive text updates for your class. Make sure you enter this code and not another periods code because they are different. Once you have joined, make sure you are in the correct period group! Thank you



Hi All, 
I distributed the syllabus today in class. We are closely reading the syllabus so the students will need the syllabus for class tomorrow/Wednesday, so please make sure they bring their syllabus and do-now sheet tomorrow. The syllabus must be signed by a parent by Thursday/Friday. Students will keep the first page and I will collect the signature page only. 
I am attaching the English syllabus along with the Spanish. 
Thank you! 
Ms. Madrid 



Good Evening, 
It was a pleasure meeting my students this week! I hope you can use this space as a support to help students be more successful in my class. I will be posting their assignments here along with any class announcements. 
For Monday, students will have to complete their student questionnaire that I handed out to them on Wednesday. If anyone has misplaced it or did not receive it for any reason, I am attaching it as well. The questionnaire is intended to help me learn more about the students. I apologize for the repeated question (#3 & #9). Students will turn in the assignment at the beginning of class on Monday. 
Have a great weekend! 
Ms. Madrid