Culver City Middle School

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Marine Science - 4th Quarter (Period 5) Assignments

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Socratic Seminar prompts:
1.  Native Alaskans should accept changes in their culture in order to survive.
2.  Changes in walrus migration patterns is the primary reason why Native Alaskans have not been able to bring food to the table.
3.  Walrus should be removed from the MMPA.  This would allow larger, more efficient companies to harvest walrus to sell to the Native Alaskans.
4.  Natural resource companies (gold, copper, silver mines and oil drillers) should allow Native Alaskans to hunt on their land.
5.  The United States government should continue to subsidize Native Alaskans with eggs, milk, bread, etc.
6.  The MMPA should be amended to allow Native Alaskans to hunt non-traditionally with larger ships and more conventional harpoons.
Group 7 - Role-play a Native Alaskan child (~9-11 years old) where do you see yourself in 10 years?



Students completed Tell Me a Story on Walrus Migration patterns in class. Students then reviewed Walrus Migration Patterns and discussed the Close Read Walrus Migration Patterns.  The class discussed using annotations and how comments were to be organized on the Close Read.  Students began their advocacy posters on Walrus Migration Patterns.



Students participated in a Socratic Seminar on Sea Lion Overpopulation.  Group 7 participants will finish their seminar on Mon. 5/15.



We introduced the final unit before the students break off into the final group project presentation.  The final unit is on Walrus Migration Patterns.  Students were introduced to the plight of Native Alaskans who depend on walrus for survival.  Since the implementation of the Marine Mammal Protection Act in 1972, Native Alaskans have seen the number of walrus harvested every year go down.  What is the reason for this? Is global warming the cause of this issue?  
Reminder: Socratic Seminar on Thu. 5/11
HW: Please read the Close Read on Walrus Migration Patterns and annotate the article.  Be prepared for Tell Me a Story on Monday 5/15.



We started class with Tell Me a Story.  Students created original stories utilizing words taken from the Close Read text on starving sea lion pups.  We then reviewed the questions for the Socratic Seminar.  Socratic Seminar dates Per 5 Tues 5/9 and Per 2 Wed 5/10.  I have attached the Seminar questions and prompts.



Students presented their advocacy posters on Sea Lion Overpopulation



Students received the Close Read on California Sea Lion Pup Starvation. We went over the first 2 paragraphs.  Students worked on their advocacy posters for Sea Lion Overpopulation.  



Students finished the Socratic Seminar on Cruise ship waste today.  



Students completed their Socratic Seminars today.  Final group remediation for the Socratic Seminar will be on Mon.  If you were absent or not satisfied with your current Socratic Seminar grade you can do so on Mon.



Students engaged in a Socratic Seminar on Cruise Ship Waste.  We will finish the groups on Thu/Fri.
Reminder: 5 wk progress reports are due.  Please turn in your notebooks and close reads before I leave on Fri. 4/28



We began a new unit on Cruise Ship Waste.  Students learned about how cruise ships are legally able to dump trash and sewage into the ocean in international waters.  Students saw the effects of a cruise ship that has lost power and was not designed to store human waste.  Students discussed the impact that cruise ship waste has on the marine ecosystem and how this practice effects us personally. 
Reminder: Socratic Seminar on Tues 4/25 (per 5) and Wed 4/26 (per 2)
                   5 wk progress reports are due on Fri.  
What is due:  Notebooks and Great Pacific Garbage Patch and Cruise Ship Waste Close Reads



Students finished their advocacy posters on the issue of cruise ship waste and sewage.  Some students were able to present their posters to the class and we then began practicing for the Socratic Seminar that we will be conducting on Tues 4-25 (per. 5) and Wed. 4-26 (per. 2).  I have attached the Socratic Seminar prompts and questions below.
Reminder:  5th week progress reports are due next Friday 4-28.  Please make sure that your notebooks are turned in for the notebook check #1.  Also, the close reads for discarded plastic and cruise ship waste are due as well.



Today we introduced the topic of cruise ship waste.  Students watched videos of cruise ships dumping sewage directly into the ocean.  Students discussed the impact humans have on this process.  Students learned about the laws governing a country's 12 mile nautical border and how cruise ships circumvent the laws to legally dump into the ocean.  Students were asked to discuss possible solutions to this problem.



Today we began class with a de-brief of the video Treasures of the Earth- Metals that we watched on Mon.  Students discussed the solution of using plastic trash combined with iron to create a super strong steel that can revolutionize building construction.  Students discussed the possibility of looking at plastic trash differently. Would plastic have the same value if this technique was scaled larger?  What would our world look like if plastic had a greater value than it does today?
Students received their first Close Read on Discarded Plastic.  
HW: Please read the Close Read on Discarded Plastic.  We will continue working on annotations in class on Thu/Fri.



We began class with a review of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch issue and discussed how the current solutions are failing to stem the tide of plastics entering the marine ecosystem.  Students were challenged to work with their table partners to create a better solution than the ones we currently have.  Students were asked to volunteer and present their work in front of the class.  



Today we went over the class syllabus and classroom expectations.  We then began our lesson on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP).  We discussed in detail what the GPGP was, where it was located, what it was made of, how it formed, and the future outlook of the GPGP.  We discussed the current solutions such as recycling, coastal clean-up, and a ban on plastic bags.



Welcome to Marine Science - 4th Quarter 2016-2017.  We started class today introducing Marine Science.  We discussed questions on the importance of studying our marine ecosystem and how we are connected personally to the ocean.  I have attached a picture of the notebook that students will need to have by the end of the week.  If you do not want to purchase the notebook, I have some used notebooks that I can give you, first-come-first served.  I have attached the Syllabus for this class.