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Singing Panthers Choir (Period 6) Assignments

2016-2017 School Year

Welcome to Singing Panthers 6th/7th Grade Choir!

Singing Panthers Choir is a performance class for students in their first year of choir at CCMS. Students gain knowledge and skills in proper vocal technique, unison and two or three-part singing, music reading, notation, terminology, ear training, critical analysis, and music history. Students experience a varied repertoire in music in different languages, cultures, and stylistic periods. Singing Panthers students perform in three school concerts a year, and often collaborate with performing ensembles from across the district.


Assignment Calendar

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Past Assignments



Attached you will find the instructions for your composition of a new song, on the program "" Have fun!



You will begin your second 2nd-semester solfege quiz on Friday, April 28th. Please use the attached documents (1.20, the rubric, and the quiz directions) to prepare for your quiz. Good luck!



Attached you will find your next S.M.A.R.T. goal that you will create before our upcoming spring concert. Please "stretch" yourself for your goal this time--think of something that you want to reach for musically and as a performer, whether it is supporting your high notes, memorizing dynamics, blending with your section, being a leader or a supportive role with solfege, or changing your facial expressions as you prepare for the concert. Make sure your goal is Specific, Measurable, Action-based, Realistic and Timely! Also be sure to fill out the weekly self-evaluation, which may inform your S.M.A.R.T. goal choice.



Please use the attached vocabulary sheet and musical terms quick-check example to study for your upcoming musical terms quiz this Friday, 4/14.



Announcing...auditions for solos for "Sing!" (for Voicestra) and "Best Day of My Life" (for Singing Panthers) on Tuesday, April 11th, during PAWs and after-school. All are invited and encouraged to audition. Good luck!



You will be making a solfege interval video and sending the video to Ms. Koplinka-Loehr. Feel free to use the following website to practice your intervals: (She starts the intervals at 1:55).
You may practice as many times as you need to.
Feel free to use the following website for extra practice:
When you are ready, use a smartphone, computer, or tablet to create a video. You can log on to, use Photobooth, Camera, or any other video-making application. Begin your video by saying your name. Then, sing the series of major intervals, starting on the pitch “do” of your choice. You must say all of the syllables in order, and show each hand sign to get full credit. (See below and the back for intervals)
Once you are satisfied with your video, use the arrow/upload feature to send or share it with Ms. Koplinka-Loehr. If you can type your name onto your file or in the email, that is preferred; if not, just leave it as is. You must send it to [email protected] in order to get credit.
If you are having difficulties, you can call my google voice mailbox at: (262) 7CHOIR5, which is (262) 724-6475, or send me an email.
If you do not have access to a smartphone or the internet, you may go to the computer lab or library before or afterschool, or come by Room 1 during PAWs or afterschool to practice and complete this assignment.


Intervals to Sing: (See back for rubric and songs to remember the intervals!)


Do, re, do

Do, mi, do

Do, fa, do

Do, so, do

Do, la, do

Do, ti, do

Do, do1, do


Intervals to Sing in Order:



A Song to Remember the Interval:

Interval is

Do, re, do

“Do, a deer” from Sound of Music

“Happy Birthday”

Major 2nd

Do, mi, do

“Oh When the Saints”

Major 3rd

Do, fa, do

“Here Comes the Bride”

“Amazing Grace”

Perfect 4th

Do, so, do

“Star Wars” theme

“Twinkle, Twinkle”

Perfect 5th

Do, la, do

“My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean”

“Dashing Through the Snow,” (Jingle Bells)

“NBC” Chimes

Major 6th

Do, ti, do

“Superman” theme song

“Over the rainbow” (1st and 3rd notes)

Major 7th

Do, do1, do

“Somewhere over the rainbow”

“Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow”

Octave (8th)



Solfege Intervals Video Rubric Evaluation



Hand Signs


Posture (1 point each)

Solfege Pitch Accuracy (1 pt each)


All hand signs are accurate

Tall, resonant vowels all of the time

___ String from the back of the neck


___ Sternum (ribcage) is lifted


___ Shoulders stay down on breath intake


___ Ears, shoulders, hips, and heels are aligned


___ Chin stays level and/or parallel with the floor (Do the “L” check)

____ Do, Re, Do   (major 2nd)

       If not in tune, you sang: _______________


____ Do, Mi, Do   (major 3rd)

       If not in tune, you sang: _______________


____ Do, Fa, Do   (perfect 4th)

       If not in tune, you sang: _______________


____ Do, So, Do   (perfect 5th)

       If not in tune, you sang: _______________


____ Do, La, Do   (major 6th)

       If not in tune, you sang: _______________


____ Do, Ti, Do   (major 7th)

       If not in tune, you sang: _______________


____ Do, Do’, Do   (perfect octave)

       If not in tune, you sang: _______________



Most hand signs are accurate

Tall, resonant vowels most of the time


Some hand signs are accurate

Tall, resonant vowels some of the time


Few accurate hand signs

Few or no tall, resonant vowels


Comments:                                                                                  Total points: ________/20 pts




Please be sure to turn in your 5th-grade rally in-school "field trip" permission slips by Friday! Also, "Best Day of My Life" should be mostly memorized by Friday, and *all* memorized by Monday, 3/6!



Please watch the video of "Adiemus" if you were not in class today, 2/17 (you can see it at: The password for the video is: ccms
After you watch the video, please complete your concert evaluation sheet (attached below, and handed out in class on Friday 2/17). Please be sure to turn in your self-evaluation of your concert by Wednesday, 2/22!



Please memorize "Adiemus" by Wednesday, 2/15, before our concert. You may use the following links:, or to help memorize the song.



Please fill out the attached Rehearsal Rubric based on your most recent week of rehearsals in choir. Be honest, and reflect on what you need to do to improve and to help out choir to improve to be the best you can be. Make sure to create a Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Sensitive (SMART) goal for our concert on Thursday, 2/16!



Please use the following examples to practice for your upcoming solfege quiz. The quiz will start on Wednesday, 1/11, and will continue for multiple days in class until everyone has taken the quiz. Remember that you will have a 5 minute time limit to take your quiz.
Please figure out the solfege by using the following steps: 
1) "Ta" the rhythms first
2) Speak the solfege, in rhythm
3) Sing the solfege on pitch, with correct rhythms.
You can practice with the attached examples, and then listen to the track to see if your solfege practicing was correct. Your solfege quiz will be graded using the attached rubric. Good luck!



Please complete your Concert Evaluation sheet if you did not finish it in class. An example is attached of very specific answers. Great job on your concert on Wednesday!



Dear CCMS Choir students and families,
Our concert this year is at Vet's Auditorium, at 4117 Overland Ave. (the corner of Culver Blvd. and Overland Ave.) To that end, we will be taking a walking field trip to Vet's Auditorium during our choir period, period 6, on Wednesday, December 7th, during school (from 12:05pm-1:35pm). This will be our first and only rehearsal in the auditorium before the concert. Your student must return the attached permission slip by Monday, 12/5 in order to attend our "dress rehearsal"/walking field trip on Wednesday, 12/7. Your student also received a paper copy of the field trip permission slip today in class, and you should have received a separate email with this information as well.
Please have your student return this permission slip, signed and completed, by Monday, 12/5. I am also looking for several chaperones for the field trip on Wednesday. If you are interested and available to walk with us on Wednesday, from 12:05-1:35pm to and from Vet's auditorium, that would be phenomenal.
Thanks so much for all of your support!



We are currently accepting submissions of program cover art for the front of the winter program for our 2016 winter concert! Please see attached file for the template and explanations. Submissions are due by Monday, November 28th. Students will receive extra credit if they complete this optional homework assignment!
Submissions need to follow the following criteria:
  • Use a black pen or fine-tipped marker
  • Draw your design in the blank space provided
  • Be sure to have a music-related image
  • Remember that both instrumental and vocal ensembles will be performing in the concert 



Please memorize ALL of your lyrics to all of your songs by Monday, November 28th. This means you need to bring your choir folder home over Thanksgiving break. Have fun memorizing all of your words!



Singing “Gatatumba”: Due Friday, November 18th

1. Attached you should find a copy of these directions, as well as a pdf of the lyrics of “Gatatumba,” plus three different practice tracks (all have all 3 voice parts played simultaneously, with one part louder than the rest depending on which line is meant to be practiced on that track). There is also a video of Sra. Miguez reading the words in Spanish.

2. Take out your “Gatatumba,” music, and click on the video of Sra. Miguez. Pause the video after each line, and read your words after her, getting the pronunciation right. Make sure all the “s”’s are regular “s” sound, but the “c” sound becomes “th.”

3. Next, click on the practice track. Practice singing your part, along with your particular practice track, for the whole piece. It is recommended that you sing it through at least three times.

4. Finally, sing your part along with the video posted online:

5. When you are ready, Call Ms. Koplinka-Loehr, at (262) 7CHOIR5, which is:

(262) 724-6475.
6. Listen to the voicemail message. When you hear the beep, say your first and last name clearly and slowly, and what line you are singing, and press “play” for your part online. Begin singing into the phone at the beginning, along with the piano/vocal part. If you don’t like what you have sung, you may call back and send a new voicemail message.
7. If you don’t want to leave a voicemail, you can make an audiofile with a “voicememo” or similar application on a phone or computer, and attach the file to an email. Please send your email to: [email protected].
8. If you need extra help practicing your part, or you don’t have access to the internet, Ms. Koplinka-Loehr is always available in Room 1 after school on Mondays—Thursdays. You can also go to the library or computer lab, in room 114 or 118, before or afterschool.
“Gatatumba” Grading Rubric:





Vocal Technique:


Vocal Technique:

Vowel Production


All pitches are accurate

All words are intelligible & pronounced correctly

Student sings with a centered tone and a supported core of the sound all of the time, at a p or pp level.

Student performs tall, resonant vowels all of the time


Most pitches are accurate

Most words are intelligible and are pronounced correctly

Student sings with a centered tone and a supported core of the sound most of the time, at a p or pp level.

Student performs tall, resonant vowels most of the time


Some pitches are accurate

Some words are intelligible and are pronounced correctly

Student sings with a centered tone and a supported core of the sound some of the time, at a p or pp level.

Student performs tall, resonant vowels some of the time


Few or no pitches are accurate

Few or no words are intelligible and/or pronounced correctly

Student does not sing with a centered tone and a supported core of the sound.

Student does not sing with tall, resonant vowels most of the time


Comments:                                                                                  Total Score: _____/16 pts



If you are interested in being a choir section leader, and you got 15 or 16 points on your rhythm quiz, please write one paragraph to turn in by Wednesday, 11/9, that describes why you would be a good choice for a section leader. Things you may highlight could include:
- Strong music reading skills (as in, rhythm quiz and solfege examples)
- Ability to match pitch and/or learn parts fairly quickly
- Ability to teach other students their parts in an efficient and respectful way
- Ability to play an instrument (not required)
- Leadership skills, including: Creating respectful friendships with other students in choir, encouraging all students to participate and being a peer role model.
ALL students who got 15 or 16 points on their quiz are encouraged to apply! Everyone in choir is a leader.



Please practice the following exercises this weekend:
1) Practice breathing #1: Bend forward slightly, with a flat back, bending at the waist. Pretend to suck in through a straw with lots of spit.
2) Practice breathing #2: Bend forward slightly, with a flat back, bending at the waist. Put your hands on your lower back, with your fingers spread towards your spine. Feel the expansion on your back as you inhale and the contraction as you exhale.
3) Panting exercise: Put your hands up over your head and onto the top of your shoulders, with your elbows pointing to the sky. Start to pant fast, then vary the tempo to slower breaths. Change the tempo. Feel the expansion of your chest when you inhale while panting.
Please practice all breathing exercises for 5-10 minutes a day until Monday, and then again for the rest of the week. Have fun!



Please bring a mirror with you to choir tomorrow (one that is small enough to fit in your hand). You will be using it to look at your vowel shape during choir. If you don't have a handheld mirror, or can't borrow one, you may use a phone that has mirror or self-video capability.



Please complete your S.M.A.R.T. goal, keeping in mind that you need a Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely goal. You can use the video we watched in class (for Singing Panthers on Friday 11/4)( if you need more ideas. Please use complete sentences, and please remember to fill out the *back* of the sheet (the weekly self-evaluation). Please write 1-2 complete sentences per section of the goals sheet, as well as a specific, thorough goals statement at the bottom of the sheet.



Next week, we will be starting our in-class rhythm quiz! You will be making a video of yourself speaking 3 measures of rhythms. Please use the following websites to practice your rhythms:
Rhythm Cards Practice Video 1 (starting with the easiest cards)
Rhythm Cards Practice Video 2 (starting with medium-level cards and ending with harder cards) Use this website to practice rhythms in a variety of combinations, either listening or decoding what the rhythm is.



Below you will find the mp3 tracks that you can listen to to practice your part for "Hall of Fame." If you don't have your sheet music with you, you can find the words online here. You should sing along when you hear the vibraphone that is loudest (that is your part). The piano and the other vibraphone (the other parts) will be much softer than your part on your track.
If you are on line 1, or the top line, you will be listening to and practicing with the track that's called "SOPRAAN1.mp3". 
If you are on line 2, or the second from the top line, you will be listening to and practicing with the track that's called "SOPRAAN2.mp3". 
If you are on line 3, or the third line down, you will be listening to and practicing with the track that's called "ALT 1.mp3". 
If you want to sing your part along with the whole choir with everyone's parts at equal volume, you can listen to the "SSSAApf.mp3" track. However, please only do that once you have practiced your part a lot with your track only.
We will talk in class about how best to learn your part, and also get into small groups to practice just your part during class. Have fun!



  1. Attached you should find a copy of these directions, as well as a practice video and a printout of the solfege practice guide, with the hand symbols. You may practice as many times as you need to. (You may also check under the “Media” button to view the video).
  2. When you are ready, use a smartphone, computer, or tablet to create a video. You can log on to, use Photobooth, Camera, or any other video-making application. Begin your video by saying your name and “Singing Panthers Choir.” Then, sing a major scale, starting the pitch “do” of your choice. You must say all of the syllables in order, and show each hand sign to get full credit. You may not look at your solfege sheet or any solfege guide while you make your video.
  3. Once you are satisfied with your video, use the arrow/upload feature to send or share it with Ms. Koplinka-Loehr. If you can type your name onto your file or in the email, that would be great; if not, just leave it as is. You must send it to [email protected] in order to get credit.
  4. If you are having difficulties, you can call my google voice mailbox at: (262) 7CHOIR5, which is (262) 724-6475, or send me an email.
  5. If you do not have access to a smartphone or the internet, you may go to the computer lab or library before or afterschool, or come by Room 1 during PAWs or afterschool to practice and complete this assignment.

Solfege Video Quiz Rubric Evaluation: based on the following criteria (see attached pdf)



Solfege Syllables

Hand Signs

Pitch (1 pt for each in-tune note and interval)

Posture (1 pt each)



Please learn "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" using the following video:
You are responsible for entire song by Monday, 9/12. Please learn all of your notes, words, and rhythms based on the practice video. You may also use this track to watch and practice:
Please use your music and practice looking at your vocal line the entire song so you are familiar with where your eyes should be on your music. Enjoy!



Please learn "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" using the following video:
You are responsible for measures 1-29 by Friday, and the entire song by Monday, 9/12. Please learn all of your notes, words, and rhythms based on the practice video. You may also use this track to watch and practice:
Please use your music and practice looking at your vocal line the entire song so you are familiar with where your eyes should be on your music.



Welcome again to CCMS Singing Panthers Choir! Your second assignment is to read the Singing Panthers syllabus, mark down all of our concerts on your family calendar, and return the syllabus slip to Ms. Koplinka-Loehr. Ms. Koplinka-Loehr will be handing out hard copies of the syllabus on Friday during class, and it is also uploaded here electronically in both Spanish and English. Additionally, the "read-and-return" slip is attached, as is the parent volunteer slip. Thanks so much for all of your support!



Your first assignment is to subscribe to this class! Please follow the directions below. Welcome to CCMS Choir!

To subscribe:

1) Go to

2) Hover over the word “Academics” in the top banner. A drop-down menu should appear. Click on the first word in the menu, “Departments.”

3) Once you are in “Departments,” click on “Electives.”

4) Once you are in “Electives,” scroll down and click on “Danielle Koplinka-Loehr.”

5) You have now reached my page! Please scroll down past the message until you see the header “Classes” in the middle part of the page. Click on “Voicestra” if you are in Voicestra, and “Singing Panthers” if you are in Singing Panthers. Once you have reached the class page, please click on the button that says “+Subscribe” on the right-hand side.

6) A pop-up window will appear. Please enter your name, email, and if your parent is subscribing, please enter your name as a student. Thanks so much for completing your first assignment on time!