Culver City Middle School

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The Culver City Unified School District and Culver City Middle School have developed a code of behavior to help students understand what is expected of them and the consequences which follow violation of the rules. Students are required to respond positively to staff requests and to follow the school’s code of behavior. These have been established to guarantee the right of all students to an education in a safe and orderly environment. A positive school climate derives from an understanding among the total school community that statements and actions which degrade others will not be tolerated [California Education Code (EC)32051].
Standard procedure for dealing with violations of the school’s behavior code have been developed to ensure fairness to students. For each offense, there is a prescribed consequence ranging from a conference with teacher/counselor or administrator to suspension or expulsion for serious offenses. For certain offenses which the State of California and the Culver City Unified School District deem extremely serious, Culver City Middle School may make an immediate recommendation for expulsion to the Board of Education [EC 48915].
Culver City Middle School students will engage in behavior which will foster an atmosphere of learning for all students. This will earn them the respect and admiration of visitors to our campus. In order to maintain the Panthers’ reputation, we believe that all staff, students, and parents need to understand expected student conduct. A list of consequences for unacceptable behavior is provided:
1. Students who defy directives and/or refuse to cooperate with members of the school staff are subject to disciplinary action and parent conference. This applies to both the regular school day and extra-curricular activities. [EC 48900(k)]
2. Students are expected to have a high regard for one another and treat each other with courtesy at all times. Students use of profanity and/or obscenities in class or in conversation with members of the staff will not be tolerated. [EC 48900(I)]
3. Students are expected to continue to learn how to solve problems by being proactive, not reactive. Fighting on the school campus will result in disciplinary action and will require a parent conference for both involved parties, unless there are extenuating circumstances. At no time are students allowed to place their hands on other students. [EC 48900(a)]
4. Students whose misbehavior disrupts the educational process, may be suspended by the teacher from class the day of the offense and for the day following. The teacher will conference with the parent. [EC 48910]
5. Students who steal or damage school/individual property will be subject to disciplinary action and/or police arrest. [EC 48900(f)(g)]
6. Students who participate in academic dishonesty (cheating) will be subject to disciplinary action. A school-wide policy is in effect and will be consistently enforced.
7. Students are permitted to bring cell phones/pagers to school. They must be turned off during the school day.
1. Causing serious physical injury to another person, except in self-defense. [EC 48915]
2. Possession of any knife, explosive, firearm or other dangerous object of no reasonable use to the student at school or at a school activity off school grounds. [EC 48915]
3. Unlawful possession of any controlled substance as listed in Chapter 2 of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code. [EC 48915]
4. Robbery or extortion. [EC 48915]
5. Assault or battery of a school employee. Defined in 240/242 of penal code, EC 48915.
*Students violating these rules will be immediately suspended for 5 days, a recommendation to the Board of Education will be made that the student be expelled and the incident will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
A student may be suspended or expelled for any of the acts listed below if the act occurs while on school grounds; while going to or coming from school; during the lunch period, whether on or off the school campus; during, going to or coming from any school-sponsored activity. [EC 48900] During the suspension, a student may be assigned to In-School Exclusion or home suspended. Parent contact will be made for all the following infractions. In the event you are considered for suspension from school, you and your parent/guardian will be notified of the offense, and you will be given a chance to present your side of the story. After hearing all sides, the administrator will determine the consequences. If you and your parent/guardian disagree with the administrator’s decision, you may appeal the suspension to the superintendent.
See Time Tracker for information.