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Period 6 Assignments

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Reminder: See to check your grade

Autobiography/Biography Book Project
Due date- 2/26-2/27
Book due by 1/29 1/30
100 points.
Come up with ten open ended questions such as the following suggested questions:

What was your childhood like?
Why are you famous?
What prepared you for your future?
What inspired you to become who your are?
Describe your life today or describe your life at its greatest moment.
How do you feel about your accomplishments?
What was your greatest goal and did you reach this goal?
What was the most difficult time in your life?
How would you like to be remembered?
Did you have setbacks in your life?
Would you change a decision you made? Explain.
What advice would you give to someone following in your footsteps?
What do your regret doing?
Answer ten questions in full paragraphs
(6-12 sentences, topic sentence, supporting details, commentary, conclusion sentence)

On the due date, you will hand out five of the ten questions on index cards and be interviewed by the class. The more you appear to be the actual person, the better your grade. Consider dressing, speaking, acting like the person.



Welcome to 2nd semester.
Study for Monday's test on The Tell-Tale Heart
No longer will I be taking late work. If you have a family emergency, have your parent write a note and attach it to the late work. It will still drop a grade for each day it is late.
On Tuesday, we copied the words on page 352-353 to prepare for the test on Monday.
If you would like to prepare, go to Search for Verge "The Tell-Tale Heart"
Also on the test: verbal irony, situational irony, dramatic irony, point of view: first person, thirddperson limited, third person omniscient, and mood.



Your outside reading book (Autobiography/Biography) is due today.
Study for the test on Monday on The Tell-Tale Heart



Answer in complete sentences # 1-8 on page 361 in your literature book.

This will help you prepare for Monday's test on "The Tell-Tale Heart"



Parallel Episode Assignment for The Glory Field



Memorize and recite a poem, speech or part of a play.

This should be 4-6 stanzas or as long as the Gettysburg Address. See page 300.




Test on Greek Roots today. See to review.



Greek Root Quiz Today 1/12

1/13-1/14- recite a poem or part of a speech.

Test on the end of The Glory Field (291-375) on 1/20-1/21

Prepare for the final exam by studying your spelling and vocabulary.
The benchmark test will be on 1/15-1/16



Test today on The Glory Field pages 209-290



The following are power points to help you review for the final exam at the end of January.



Today is class we took a quiz on The Glory Field, Chicago 1930 and a test on pages 329-336. If you were absent, please be prepared to take the test on Jan. 5th.

In periods, 3,4,5,6 we read "Chicago" by Carl Sanburg. Students imitated Sandburg's style and are working on making their own city poem. Ths is due on Jan. 6/7.

Enjoy your vacation.



Greetings! Please also visit my vocabulary set called Verge's Greek Roots.

You've been invited to use a vocabulary set on Quizlet. Quizlet is a tool that helps you and your friends learn vocabulary.

The vocabulary set is called Verge's Latin Roots. It has 21 terms, which include:

1. capt: take
2. cede, ceed, ceaas: happen, yield, go
3. cred: believe
4. dic, dict: speak, say, tell
5. duc, duct, duit: lead, conduct, draw

View and study the whole set:

This invitation was sent by [email protected].

Happy Studying,
The Quizlet Notification Robot



The following attachment is a study guide for The Glory Field. It is optional, but it will help you pass the weekly quizzes.



Latin Root word test.



Read the next section of The Glory Field. (pages 71-132) . 
Turn in your final draft ideally typed  of your reseach paper for The History of the English Language.  Remember to include a works cited page.



Quiz on The Glory Field pages 71-137.

Typed Research Paper with a works cited page. See page 687- 690 in your large text book if you have questions.

See calendar for reading schedule.



In class we will make a brochure for a made up new word.



Attached you will find a calendar that outlines important upcoming homework.



Read the next section of The Glory Field, pages 10-70
Setting 1864, Curry Island, South Carolina

Create a cover and 6 pictures, paragraphs and quotes.

Name _____________________________ Period _____ Date _________________

Book Project: 6 Pictures, 6 Paragraphs, 6 Quotes
Pages 10 -70 The Glory Field by Walter Dean Myers

Points Possible Points Earned
Title of novel, author, and 10 _____
proper heading
with an artistic,

Content Includes
6 pictures colored with great 30 ______
detail depicting important
elements in the novel.
A colored picture and summary should be created for the following:

Title each page as Setting, Protagonist, Antagonist, Rising Action, Climax, and Resolution.
6 Paragraphs
1. Who is/are the protagonist(s), the main character?
2. What is the setting? (1864, Live Oaks Plantation, Curry Island, South Carolina)
3. Who is the antagonist, the opposition, villain ?
4. What is the rising action/complications/conflict, or struggles leading to the climax?
5. What is the climax, the turning point.?
6. What is the resolution/denouement/end of section? How is it resolved?

A summary for each of the above 30 _______
Six total with proper
grammar and mechanics.
5-8 sentences each.

6 quotes (one for each scene) 30 _______

Grade ____________



Final draft of your "Flowers for Algernon" essay is due today.



If your printer is ever out of ink, you may send your work as an attachment. Please only use this when you have a problem with your printer.

How do I send an attachment?

Step one:. Log in to your email and begin a new email. In yahoo they use the word compose for new.

Step two. Put the address in the email box. My address is [email protected]

Step three: Click on Browse in the attachment field. Find and click the file you want. You may have to double click. Sometime you may have to click on the word open.

Step four: Click on the Attach button.

Step five: Click on Send.



2nd draft of you "Flowers for Algernon" essay is due today.



Peer Review of you 2nd draft of your typed, double spaced, 12 font Times New Roman essay today and I will check off your index cards. (package of 100)


____ Restate thesis in an original way.
_____ Answers how or why this is true.
______ Give advice, or a recommendation, or a universal application on the subject.

_____ Go full circle. Relates back to your introduction.



The introduction and conclusion for your essay on "Flowers for Algernon" are due today.



You will need 100 index cards for a future research paper and upcoming vocabulary words.



Type or write a first draft of your body paragraphs for the essay on "Flowers for Algernon".

We will be going to the computer lab to make corrections and you will be asked to send me an attachment of this essay.

Ideally, you will send your homework by attachment before Monday or send it to your email.

Introduction and conclusion will be due on Tuesday/Wednesday.

Complete second draft will be due on Thursday/Friday 11/20-11/21

Final draft is due on 11/24-11/25



The final draft must meet the following requirments.
Essay- “Flowers for Algernon”

______ Introduction begins with story of the Garden of Eden or grabs the reader’s attention with an anecdote, dialogue, statistics, rhetorical question, or quote)

_____ Bridge to thesis (Similarly, Charlie Gordon in Daniel Keyes’ short story “Flowers for Algernon…)

______ Clear thesis-mention the author-Daniel Keyes’ and title-“Flowers for Algernon” Charlie Gordon goes from a state of innocence to a state of experience .
Charlie Gordon lives in a state of innocence, but after he gains knowledge, he exists in a state of experience, aware of evil in the world.

Body Paragraphs I II and III will discuss three different parallel episodes. The beginning part of the paragraph will discuss his innocence before the operation; the second part of the paragraph will discuss the state of experience.
_____ T.S. Charlie begins in a state of innocence but enters a state of experience …

______ 2-4 examples, concrete details from text to support topic sentence.

_____ Insightful commentary (your opinion) about these examples. Do not use I

______ Concluding sentence/transition

_____ Restate thesis

_____ Answers how or why this is true

______ Advice, recommendation, universal application on the subject

_____ Full circle-relates back to introduction.

_____Mechanics. (spelling, capitalization, grammar…)

Use the present tense. Verbs should end in s such as shows, laughs,
Avoid contractions-Don’t becomes do not
Banned words: baby words such as bad, good, got a lot, you, I,
Times New Roman, 12 Font. Double space, Proper typed heading in the right hand corner.



Book Projects

You will be assigned book projects/reports throughout the year. Below you will find an approximate due date and a description of each option. A late book project will drop a grade for each day it is late and after one week, a zero will given. You must choose a new option each time.
Nightly Homework: Read for 30 minutes a night or read at least 12 pages and answer one of the following questions each evening in a three to five sentence paragraph. Five “reading logs/answers” . Please complete your homework in a reading log notebook. Use the following format for reading logs:
Title of Book
Date October 21, 2008
Pages Read 1-12 (Ideally you will read 12 pages each night.)
Reading Logs/Questions:
Choose to answer five of the following questions each week.
1. Who are the main characters, and what are they like? How do I know this?
2. What are the characters’ goals and what conflicts exist between the characters or goals?
3. How do I think the characters will work out the conflict(s)?
4. Do the characters change, grow, or learn anything new?
5. What is the setting and why is it important?
6. What mental images do I see as I read? Why might these images be important?
7. What might the author be trying to communicate to readers with this text and why is it important?
Note: On the day you turn in or present your project, you MUST bring your book, reading logs, and any other appropriate material to class with you. Scholars will be assigned novels and may not be given free choice.

Projects are due:
Free Choice-(Fiction) November 13-14
The Glory Field- December
BiographyAutobiography February
Mystery Novel /Science Fiction/Fantasy March
Free Choice/ Literature Circles May

Parent Signature _________________________________

1. You are a newspaper reporter. A. Design and layout a newspaper page that includes articles, cartoons, editorials, pictures, etc. Each of the items on your layout should reflect a significant event from the story or be about a major character. B. You must include a headline, pictures and interviews with characters (for your article). Your finished project should look like a page (or pages) from a newspaper

2. A. Using artwork and words, describe the period in history in which your story was set. B. You should include facts about the specific country and city in which the story was set and facts about people who lived during this time. This is basically a paper with illustrations. This assignment will require some research on your part. Power point or Poster

3. Imagine that you have been given the task of conducting a tour of the setting in your book. A. Make a video or audio tape describing the places in the town( city, etc.), the homes of the main characters, and the places where important events in the books took place. You should consider using a musical background or other special effects for your tape. Power point, podcast, audio tape, video

4. (Group optional) You are a news anchor for a major network news show. A. Outline news stories related to the events and people in your book. B. Perform your nightly news duties and repot these stories to the public. C. You should either videotape this presentation to be prepared to perform it in class. Use props and other necessary tools to give your performance a realistic feel. Feel free to use other people in your performance. You can also combine books and create a whole newscast with other people and

5. (Group optional) Do a storytelling of your story. This is where you actually become a character (or narrator) of the story. You bring the story to life by “reliving” it in front of us. You need to adopt a character like an actor does and act out important scenes from the story. Give us the story in short, important scenes. Feel free to have others help you.

6. Write an essay exploring the major issues or theme from your book. Be sure to include examples from your book to support your ideas. You need to show that you truly understand your book. DO NOT DO A PLOT SUMMARY. Your essay should have an introduction with a thesis, a body, and a conclusion. (500-700 words in length)

7. Choose 10 scenes that seem important or pivotal to your overall understanding of the book. For each scene, do the following: find or create illustrations, find a quote from the novel to act as a caption for each illustration, write a paragraph explaining why you chose that scene, and why you illustrated the way you did, and how the quote connects to your illustration and to your understanding of the book.(Pictures of the setting, protagonist, antagonist, conflicts, climax, resolution, theme, other –optional)

8. Write a diary that the story’s main character might have kept before, during, or after the book’s events. Reveal the character’s thoughts and feelings about the events and other characters. The project should look like a diary and have ten or more entries. Focus on the following:

9. Game Board (Group Optional)
The name of the game is original and reflects the novel and the central conflict. The directions are specific, proofread, and easily followed.
The game has a central challenged that accurately represents the novel
The game has a decorated game board that represents the novel.
The game is in a decorated box that represents the challenge of the game.
This includes the name of the game and illustrations
The project is neat, shows of considerable commitment of time and effort.

Other Ideas for reports: See Ms. Verge after school for guidelines.
Dramatize an important scene from the book. Use props, costumes, expression, and direct quotations.
If you have seen a film version of the book you have read, write a report comparing the book and the movie.
Make a poster indicating the literary elements of the book such as setting, characters, theme, plot, opinion, and vocabulary words. This may be in a scrapbook form.
Make up a television news report analyzing the elements of the book such as setting, theme, characters, plot, style, conflicts, etc.
List the conflicts of the book (man vs. man, man vs. society, man vs. nature, man vs. himself). Explain each conflict in one or two paragraphs.
Categorize each of the main characters’ education, physical appearance, social position, occupation, best friends, personality, family, etc. in chart form.
Write a new ending to the book.



Book Project due today. 100 points.



The following attachment has the rubric choices for the book projects.



One more optionGame Board Name:____________________________________

Group members: _________________________________________________________


1. The group used class time quietly and effectively.
2 4 6 8 10

1. The name of the game is original and reflects the novel and the central conflict.

2 4 6 8 10

2. The directions are specific, proofread, and easily followed with the steps arranged in chronological order; pictures, diagrams are used to help understanding..

5 10 15 20

4. The game has a decorated game board that represents the novel and has enough pieces for up to four players.

5 10 15 20

5. The game is in a decorated box that represents the challenge of the game.
This includes the name of the game and illustrations.

5 10 15 20

6. The project is neat, shows of considerable commitment of time and effort, and represents the plot and conflicts in the novel.

5 10 15 20

Total Points ________

Group Grade _______
for the book project is the game board. This can be a group project.



QuoteCharlie at work
”He sid Ernie for godsake what are your trying to be a Charlie Gordon. I don’t understand why he said that. I never lost any packages”(29)

“My Friends from the factory Joe Carp and Frank Reilly invited me to go with them to Muggys salon…I had a good time”(30).

“I didn’t want anything to drink. He gave me a plain coke instead… I felt naked. I wanted to hide myself. I ran out into the street and threw up. I’m ashamed” (33).

Charlie quits his job after 840 people sign a petition to have him
fired. He wonders, “What did I do to make them hate me so?”(38).
“I hate that mouse. He always beats me”( 28 )
“I beat Algernon!”( 31 )
“I put Algernon’s body in the backyard. I cried”(40).
Charlie Innocent vs. Experience
in his first journal he writes, “I am 37 years old and 2 weeks ago was my birthday. I have nothing more to rite…” (23).
in his journal on April 30th about his conversation with Fanny Girden who said “It was evil when Eve listened to the snake and ate from the tree of knowledge. It was evil when she saw that she was naked”(39).
Miss Kinnian
“I am in love with Miss Kinnian”(38 ).
“I don’t understand why I never noticed how beautiful Miss Kinnian really is” ( 37).
Charlie Drunk
“Everybody laffed and we had a good time and they gave me lots of drinks and Joe said Charlie is a card when hes potted”(30).
when Charlie becomes drunk with his friends for a second time he realizes “Everyone was looking at me and laughing and I felt naked I wanted to hide myself”(33).
“I never knew that Joe and Frank and the others liked to have me around all the time to make fun of me” (34).
Rorschach Test (Inkblot Test)
“I told them I dint spill the ink on the cards and I couldn’t see anything in the ink”(25).
“I tried hard but I still couldn’t find the pictures I only saw the ink”(25).
“I told them I pretend a fowtan pen with ink leeking all over a table cloth”(24).
“We went through the card slowly. One of them looked like a pair of bats tugging at something”(35).

s to help you for writing the essay.



Test on "Flowers for Algernon".

Reminder-- Review the vocabulary.

Other reminders:

Book Project is due on 11/13 and 11/14. (Period 4 -11/7)



Reading Logs Example

Reading Logs Read for 20-30 minutes a night (approx. 12 pages) and write a reading log. Five reading logs are due on Tuesday/Wednesday.
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

Monday, 10/ 31/ 05 Pages read 3-15

Margarite and her brother Bailey are sent to live with their grandmother in Stamps, Arkansas because their mom and dad are divorcing. Margarite likes living there because she gets to help in the family store and life is slow paced. They also live with an Uncle Willie who is crippled.

Tuesdsay, 11/1/05 Pages read 16-28
Uncle Willie has to hide in fear of the whites when Joe Louis, a great black boxer wins the heavy weight championship. This is the first experience for Margarite to witness racism in her world. She also notices the difference between poor and rich whites. The “po white trash” are disrespectful to her grandmother, but she can’t fight back.

Wednesday, 11/2/05 L.A. Times Front section 26 pages
I read a variety of articles in the L.A. Times. One I found interesting was about the life of Rosa Parks. She is called the mother of the civil rights movement since she started the bus strikes in Alabama for refusing to give up her seat to a white man. This helped end segregation in America. One person can change the world.

Saturday, 11/ 5/05 Pages 29-34
I read about Margarite’s relationship with her dad. He shows up acting all slick and cool. This depresses. M. since she thought her parents are dead and now realizes that her parents just didn’t love her enough to keep her. Then her dad wants to take her to St. Louis to meet her mom. I don’t believe this is a good idea. Why be with someone who abandoned you as a three year old child.

Sunday, 11/6/05 Pages 35-40
While in St. Louis, Margarite is molested by her mom’s boyfriend, Mr. Freeman. This leads to Mr. F death which is no big deal in my opinion since he is a criminal, but Margarite feels guilty and refuses to speak. Eventually she is sent back to Stamps.

Tues. / Weds.
Five Reading Logs.



Benchmark Test today.

This will test the last ten weeks of school.

Review figures of speech, plot structure, literary terms, captalization and commas.



Capitalization Notes are due today.

Test today. No notes will be allowed.



Review FANBOYS and adverbial conjunctions.



Please make sure you have read Section I of "Flowers for Algernon", pages 23-39.
Review the questions on page 40 to prepare for a quiz.

Capitalization Work
In class we took notes on pages 291-293 and did 1-10 on page 294.



5 Reading Logs are due today.



Book Projects/Reading Logs

You will be assigned book projects/reports throughout the year. Below you will find an approximate due date and a description of each option. A late book project will drop a grade for each day it is late and after one week, a zero will given. You must choose a new option each time.
Nightly Homework: Read for 30 minutes a night or read at least 12 pages and answer one of the following questions each evening in a three to five sentence paragraph. Five “reading logs/answers” . Please complete your homework in a reading log notebook. Use the following format for reading logs:
Title of Book
Date October 21, 2008
Pages Read 1-12 (Ideally you will read 12 pages each night.)
Reading Logs/Questions:
Choose to answer five of the following questions each week.
1. Who are the main characters, and what are they like? How do I know this?
2. What are the characters’ goals and what conflicts exist between the characters or goals?
3. How do I think the characters will work out the conflict(s)?
4. Do the characters change, grow, or learn anything new?
5. What is the setting and why is it important?
6. What mental images do I see as I read? Why might these images be important?
7. What might the author be trying to communicate to readers with this text and why is it important?
Note: On the day you turn in or present your project, you MUST bring your book, reading logs, and any other appropriate material to class with you. Scholars will be assigned novels and may not be given free choice.

Projects are due:
Free Choice-(Fiction) November 13-14
Period 4 Due Date 11/7
The Glory Field- December
BiographyAutobiography February
Mystery Novel /Science Fiction/Fantasy March
Free Choice/ Literature Circles May

Parent Signature _________________________________

1. You are a newspaper reporter. A. Design and layout a newspaper page that includes articles, cartoons, editorials, pictures, etc. Each of the items on your layout should reflect a significant event from the story or be about a major character. B. You must include a headline, pictures and interviews with characters (for your article). Your finished project should look like a page (or pages) from a newspaper

2. A. Using artwork and words, describe the period in history in which your story was set. B. You should include facts about the specific country and city in which the story was set and facts about people who lived during this time. This is basically a paper with illustrations. This assignment will require some research on your part. Power point or Poster

3. Imagine that you have been given the task of conducting a tour of the setting in your book. A. Make a video or audio tape describing the places in the town( city, etc.), the homes of the main characters, and the places where important events in the books took place. You should consider using a musical background or other special effects for your tape. Power point, podcast, audio tape, video

4. (Group optional) You are a news anchor for a major network news show. A. Outline news stories related to the events and people in your book. B. Perform your nightly news duties and repot these stories to the public. C. You should either videotape this presentation to be prepared to perform it in class. Use props and other necessary tools to give your performance a realistic feel. Feel free to use other people in your performance. You can also combine books and create a whole newscast with other people and

5. (Group optional) Do a storytelling of your story. This is where you actually become a character (or narrator) of the story. You bring the story to life by “reliving” it in front of us. You need to adopt a character like an actor does and act out important scenes from the story. Give us the story in short, important scenes. Feel free to have others help you.

6. Write an essay exploring the major issues or theme from your book. Be sure to include examples from your book to support your ideas. You need to show that you truly understand your book. DO NOT DO A PLOT SUMMARY. Your essay should have an introduction with a thesis, a body, and a conclusion. (500-700 words in length)

7. Choose 10 scenes that seem important or pivotal to your overall understanding of the book. For each scene, do the following: find or create illustrations, find a quote from the novel to act as a caption for each illustration, write a paragraph explaining why you chose that scene, and why you illustrated the way you did, and how the quote connects to your illustration and to your understanding of the book.(Pictures of the setting, protagonist, antagonist, conflicts, climax, resolution, theme, other –optional)

8. Write a diary that the story’s main character might have kept before, during, or after the book’s events. Reveal the character’s thoughts and feelings about the events and other characters. The project should look like a diary and have ten or more entries. Focus on the following:

9. Game Board (Group Optional)
The name of the game is original and reflects the novel and the central conflict. The directions are specific, proofread, and easily followed.
The game has a central challenged that accurately represents the novel
The game has a decorated game board that represents the novel.
The game is in a decorated box that represents the challenge of the game.
This includes the name of the game and illustrations
The project is neat, shows of considerable commitment of time and effort.

Other Ideas for reports: See Ms. Verge after school for guidelines.
Dramatize an important scene from the book. Use props, costumes, expression, and direct quotations.
If you have seen a film version of the book you have read, write a report comparing the book and the movie.
Make a poster indicating the literary elements of the book such as setting, characters, theme, plot, opinion, and vocabulary words. This may be in a scrapbook form.
Make up a television news report analyzing the elements of the book such as setting, theme, characters, plot, style, conflicts, etc.
List the conflicts of the book (man vs. man, man vs. society, man vs. nature, man vs. himself). Explain each conflict in one or two paragraphs.
Categorize each of the main characters’ education, physical appearance, social position, occupation, best friends, personality, family, etc. in chart form.
Write a new ending to the book.



We will write the entire essay, on Thursday, but for now do the following:
If you finish early, work on your capitalization homework:
Notes on pages 288-290 Do Exercise #2 on pages 290-291

In class assignment on 10-21 and 10-22.
Period 4, do this at home.

• Write an eleven sentence paragraph on irony in “The Landlady”.

(Topic Sentence) Roald Dahl employs irony to hint at Billy Weaver’s death.

(Concrete Detail) For example, when Billy looks into the Landlady’s home, he sees animals and thinks this is a “good sign”(63).

This is ironic because… Write two sentences of commentary

(More concrete details) In addition, after entering the cozy living room, Billy thinks, “I’m a lucky fellow…This is a bit of all right”(65).
(Now write two sentences of commentary.)
This shows irony....

Lastly, although Billy thinks the landlady is “off her rocker” he reassures himself with the thoughts that was “not only harmless…and a kind and generous soul”(65).

This is demonstrates irony because…(two sentences of commentary)


If you finish early, work on your capitalization homework: Notes on pages 288-290 Do Exercise #2 on pages 290-291



Reminder: Reading Logs are due.



Bio Board

Due Date ___________________

Name _____________________

Period _____________________

Create a bio board that is 8 by 11 and includes the following:

1. The character’s name in Bold.

2. A quote that the character would find true with an explanation of why the quote applies to the character’s life .

3. A picture of the character in action with the appropriate setting in the background.

4. List five facts about the character. This can include occupation, hobbies, talents, physical description, religion, dreams, …


5. Answer as if you are the character: If I had one wish, it would be .…

6. Other… your choice. Be Creative! (Ideas: Diary entry, horoscope, lyrics, I am Poem, Puppet, Act out the character, Advertisement …)

Esperanza, Nenny, Rachel, Marin, Sally, Geraldo, Earl of Tennessee, Edna’s Ruthie, Rafaela, Minerva, Momma, Papa, Mamacita, Darius, Alicia



We will visit the library on Friday to help you find a new book for your outside reading book and to return The House on Mango Street. Please bring it to class on Friday.

Also, you should complete the capitalization diagnostic test if you didn't finish in class. Period 4, we will do this on Friday.

Parents: On Monday, I sent home information about Snapgrades and a grade report for the five week grading period. Grades will mailed home on 10/10.

Today there is a timed essay on The House on Mango Street.

Thank you,
Ms. Verge



In class essay on the following topic:

Discuss Esperanza's loss of innocence in the book The House on Mango Street.

You may have quotes to help your write your essay.



Prepare for a test on The House on Mango Street. This is open notes, open book but you will be asked to apply your knowledge, not memorize.



In your composition book, have a short summary for each story/vignette in The House on Mango Street.



Practice reading your story. Write down five thought provoking questions related to your story. Be prepared to lead the class in a discussion.



Complete the chart on literary devices.



Complete the handout of literary devices with both a definition in your own words and an example.



Life Project



F A N B O Y S — Compound Sentences.
Do not begin a sentence with the FANBOYS. The comma goes before the fanboys. A sentence must be on both sides of the fanboys for it to be considered a compound sentence. Test this Thursday/Friday.

I growled at my tyrant teacher, for she assigned me homework.

_____________________________, and _______________________.

_____________________________, nor _______________________.

____________________________, but ________________________.

____________________________, or _________________________.

____________________________, yet ________________________.

___________________________, so _________________________.

for and so show cause and effect relationship
and shows additional information
or shows a choice
but /yet show contrast
nor shows two negatives. Ex. I do not like homework, nor do I like tests.

Compound Sentences p. 319-320
A comma comes before a coordinating conjunction (and, for, nor, or, so, yet) when it joins independent clauses in a compound sentence.

exception –I’m tired but I can’t sleep.

We will not give up, nor will we fail.

Margo likes golf but doesn’t enjoy archery.

Margo likes golf, but she doesn’t enjoy archery.
F a n b o y s
Reminder: Put a comma before the fanboys.
A clause(sentence) + , + fanboys + clause = compound sentence.
( He left), for (she had hurt him.)

She had hurt him, and she was glad.

He didn’t want to leave, nor did she want to go.

Wearing a black ski mask in a bank made Jim appear conspicuous, but….
I was unabashed and outgoing at the party, yet

I loathe doing homework, nor do I like doing…

but and yet show contrast
for and so- logical cause/effect relationship



Random Autobiography

My dad refused to drive on
until I stopped hitting
my brother
At age 22.

I broke my leg
roller skating
on Christmas day.

I inhaled deadly
car fumes driving to
my life saving
Grandmother’s home.

Pluto knocked me
down at Disneyland,
eggs hit me on
Halloween, and my birthday
came and went without
candles and singin.

I learned to put out a
match with my fingers,
crawl out windows, and
sneak back in the front door.

I yelled at Regi, a sweet student
for sleeping.

Random Autobiography 30 points Approximately 30 lines; a line can be one to ten words.
I cried when
I yelled
I laughed
The car ride to
Trouble found me when
I wanted
I learned early
My favorite
I was forced to eat…
On a dare, I …
My mom…
My dad…
My favorite gift
At age ____ I learned…
I found success….
I failed at….
I went to the doctor’s for…
I begged for a…
I wished for…
I am



Autobiography- Fiction and Non Fiction
Pretend it is your 90th birthday and look back on your wonderful life. Write a 500 word autobiography with the first 13 years being true ( nonfiction) but after 13, it's all your wonderful dreams.  You may not win the lottery. You must achieve!  Focus on your achievements, not on your possessions. Do you want to graduate from high school, college, graduate school, join a professional sport, go to the Olympics, cure a disease, become a rock star, fly to a new planet, own a home, have a family, bring joy to the world? Use chronological order.
Suggestion for a beginning. Today is my 90th birthday and I have had a wonderful life. I was born on ....



Email Ms. Verge. Your name and period is all you need to write.
Thank you.



Literature Circles on Monday.



Literature Circles In class in September.
Literature Circles
Discussion Director: Write five thought provoking questions, lead the discussion, report to Ms. Verge with concerns.
Illustrator: Create a picture related to the reading.
Literary Luminary: Locate five special sections, lines, passages in the text with the page # and read and discuss them with the group. Use post it notes.
Connector: Find five connections to the outside world or to earlier parts of the novel.



Idiom Poster
In class you were given an idiom. Your job is to create a poster. On the front of the poster, write the idiom and the meaning in LARGE letters. Also draw a literal picture, a picture a young child might imagine.
On the back, write your name, the origin and the sentence found on the card. You will present this in class.