STUDENT STORE – The Student Store is the place to purchase snacks at lunch and after school, PE clothes, and Spirit Wear. It is open daily, and is an extremely important source of revenue for the PTSA so that we can fund all of the programs that benefit your child. Only parent volunteers can keep it open! Time slots are as follows:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
lunch 10:45am -12:45pm | lunch 11:00am - 1:00pm | lunch 10:15am - 12:15pm | lunch 11:00am - 1:00pm | lunch 11:00am - 1:00pm |
after school 2:00pm - 3:15pm | after school 2:00pm - 3:15pm | after school 1:00pm - 2:15pm | after school 2:00pm - 3:15pm | after school 2:00pm - 3:15pm |
click here to sign up
COPY ROOM – Help a teacher out! With 5 periods of 30 students each, it can be time consuming to get all of the copying finished in time. Sign up for a morning or afternoon shift to help make and deliver copies to teachers. They are so appreciative, and you’ll also get a chance to get to know the teachers better. For more details and to sign up, please email Copy Room Chairperson Allison Herbst at [email protected]
RED RIBBON WEEK – California State PTA has long partnered with the National Family Partnership to provide drug prevention, education, and advocacy programs to parents and youth throughout the country. The Red Ribbon Week campaign is a unified way for communities to take a stand against drugs, and to show intolerance for illicit drug use and the consequences to all Americans. At CCMS in November 2019, the PTSA will be coordinating a month of student and parent workshops to publicize the value of a drug-free, healthy lifestyle. To get involved, please email VP of Programs, Charlene Nagakura at [email protected]
BOOK FAIR – One of the most fun events at school! Connect with fellow parents, students, and staff, and find out what everyone is reading. We contract with Mrs. Nelson’s Book Fair, La Libreria, and Kinokuniya bookstores to provide books in English, Spanish, and Japanese. All sales translate into credit that can be used by our school library and our teachers to benefit our kids. We are looking for a chairperson or two for this event which will be held in Spring 2020. If you're interested, please contact PTSA president, Nisha Horton at [email protected]
8TH GRADE ACTIVITIES - Join the fun and help PTSA celebrate the accomplishments of our graduates at 8th grade Awards Night! We provide the decorations and dessert that ends a great evening. We also have plush stuffed “panthers” available for purchase to give to your special graduate on their big day! School is almost out! PTSA sponsors an 8th grade picnic at the park with food and games. It’s a chance for the students to take a break and strengthen bonds of friendship. Come be a part of the planning committee! Requiring only an hour or so of your morning, the 8th grade breakfast/yearbook signing gives graduates a chance to have their yearbook signed by all their friends. Graduation is the main event! PTSA sponsors a concession stand selling snacks, drinks, and cute stuffed panthers so your child can remember their middle school years. ALL proceeds go back into funding next year's 8th grade activities. We are looking for current 6th, 7th, and 8th grade parents to form a committee to help run these events! If you're interested, please contact PTSA president, Nisha Horton at [email protected]
STAFF/TEACHER APPRECIATION – Help PTSA celebrate all of the wonderful staff and teachers that make our school special! We host fun events several times a year to thank all of the people who care and educate our children. To help, please contact Chairpersons, Eugenie Lago at [email protected] or Robin Cayetano at [email protected].
HONORARY SERVICE AWARDS – Honorary Service Awards (HSA) are available to recognize the service and dedication of both individuals and organizations. They are awarded only by unit, council, district PTA and California State PTA, and presented by PTA representatives. CCMS PTSA makes a donation on behalf of all winners to the California Scholarship, Grant and Leadership Development Programs. CCMS PTSA winners are honored in a special ceremony for their contributions. If you would like to help plan this special event, please contact VP of Programs, Charlene Nagakura at [email protected]
NOMINATING COMMITTEE – This is the committee that chooses the next exceptional volunteers to provide leadership to the executive board of the PTSA. It is an honor to serve on this committee. Among other qualities, committee members must be able to use sound judgement, be discreet and tactful, act with integrity, and be able to keep all deliberations confidential. Runs December through March. If you would like to be part of this committee, please contact Parliamentarian Ellen Davidson at [email protected]
TRANSLATION SERVICES – The PTSA would like to be an effective resource for our non-English speaking population. If you are bilingual, we would love to have your assistance with translation services. This might include verbal translation at our events (Association meetings, Registration Day, Book Fair, Parent Engagement events), or written translation of our informational materials. Please contact PTSA president, Nisha Horton [email protected] if you are interested in helping!