Recommended Summer Practice for Incoming 7th Graders

Recommended Summer Practice for Incoming 7th Graders

All Students:

  • Work on fluency in adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing with Decimals and Fractions. This includes calculating with Mixed Numbers too. 
  • Simplify Numerical Expressions using order of operations, including examples with positive Exponents.
  • Continue to strengthen your skills in solving Ratio, Rate, and Percent problems.

Accelerated Math 7 Students:

In addition to skills mentioned above, also focus on calculating with Integers and solving One- and Two-Step Equations fluently. 


Building fluency means that you are able to work with ease on these types of problems and consistently reach the correct answers.  This takes time and practice.  Set a goal to practice these foundational skills for at least 10 minutes each day.  You will be amazed at the progress you will make over the summer!

You may continue to use your IXL account during the summer.  Search for the topics above in either the Grade 6 or Grade 7 sections.

Website:   Sign in using your username and password.

Username: First Initial Last Name 

Password: Student ID number